Apartment & Multifamily Loans
Commercial Real Estate Financing & Refinancing

(Loans $1 Million to $100 Million)

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Highly effective national commercial real estate mortgage bankers & financing specialists

We are adept at securing favorable mortgage loans from reputable lenders. We arrange and place loans / mortgages for apartment loans, shopping center loans, office building loans, industrial building loans and all commercial real estate loans, also bridge loans and large loans.

Mortgage Bankers Association

Noble Square, Chicago, IL

Co-Op Apartment Loan

Noble Square
Chicago, IL

483 Units


Royal Palm Terrace, Bardenton, FL

Apartment Loan

Royal Palm Terrace
Bradenton, FL

220 Units


Shopping Center/Retail Properties Loan

Rite Aid
Paulding, OH


Rite Aid, Paulding, OH

Multifamily Loan

Ohio Multifamily Portfolio

226 Units


Ohio Multifamily Portfolio

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